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NEWS | GN栖城设计作品“舟山嵊山岛日光剧场”获评上海设计100+ 并亮相WDCC世界设计之都大会

On September 28, the results of the 2024 "Shanghai Design 100+" global competition were officially announced at the "2024 World Design Capital Conference (WDCC 2024)". GN Qicheng's design work "Zhoushan Shengshan Island Sunlight Theater" stood out among more than 2,700 entries covering various industries and fields, and was finally awarded the TOP100 honor of this competition.

09月28日,2024“上海设计100+”全球竞赛结果于本届「2024世界设计之都大会(WDCC 2024)」正式揭晓,GN栖城设计作品“舟山嵊山岛日光剧场”在涵括各行各业多领域范围的2700余项参赛作品中脱颖而出,最终获评本届竞赛TOP100荣誉。

Oct 10,2024/

NEWS | 2024全国适老化设计大赛发布,管轶群受邀担任评审委员会主席

2024 National Age-Friendly Design Competition announced, Guan Yiqun invited to serve as chairman of the judging committee


Aug 08,2024/

NEWS | GN栖城设计作品入围2024WAF世界建筑节

The WAF World Architecture Festival 2024 Shortlist was recently announced. GN Qicheng's design work "Joyful Community Shanghai New Development Group Health Town" was shortlisted. It is one of the only two Chinese projects shortlisted in the Completed Buildings-Mixed Use category of this competition.

WAF世界建筑节2024 Shortlist于近日公布,GN栖城设计作品「Joyful Community上海新发展集团康养小镇」项目入围,是本届大赛建成项目综合类(Completed Buildings-Mixed Use)入围项目中,唯二的中国项目之一。

Sep 09,2024/

栖城艺术装置|快闪画廊Flash Gallery亮相设计上海@新天地设计节

栖城应主办方邀请为本届设计节带来艺术装置作品“快闪画廊Flash Gallery”,画廊位于太平桥公园绿地。

Jun 06,2024/


GN栖城设计全专业助力联投置业“柠月乐养产品体系”搭建、 康养配套功能模块创建、人性化适老化设计原则制定、康养价值 体系构建,同步见证联投置业“柠月乐养产品体系”发布。

Jun 06,2024/

NEWS | GN栖城设计施政磊先生荣获2023Pro+ Award年度杰出设计师及作品奖

5月26日,“以城市更新为牵引,聚焦发展新质生产力”学术论坛暨第四届普罗奖颁奖盛典在上海外滩万达瑞华酒店召开。继2022年GN栖城设计合伙人管轶群先生荣获年度杰出设计师后,栖城建筑设计总监施政磊先生再度荣获2023年“Pro+ Award普罗奖年度杰出设计师”,其作品龙净环保水环境科技园项目获公共建筑银奖。

Jun 06,2024/


On April 20, 2024, the mid-term defense of the 2024 "Seventh National Joint Graduation Project of Big Health Architecture" was successfully held at the Xicheng Campus of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture.


May 05,2024/

栖城项目 | 腾讯前海总部公寓建筑群竞赛方案 - XY社区

In the current colorful design trend, we are more and more willing to build neutral urban buildings, with a "SUNNY & HEALTHY" attitude to intervene in urban life. Tencent Qianhai Headquarters is located in the east of Dachan Bay, Qianhai, Bao'an District, Shenzhen. It consists of 5 plots with a total area of 80.9 hectares and a total floor area of 2,000,000 square meters. This project is located in Plot 05, which is one of the first batch of construction projects.

在当下缤纷多彩的设计潮中,我们越来越乐于建造中性的城市建筑,以“阳光明快健康”的姿态介入城市生活。 腾讯前海总部,位于深圳市宝安区前海大铲湾岛东,共由5个地块构成,基地面积约 80.90公顷,总建筑面积约 200万平方米。本项目位于05地块,是首批建设项目。

Apr 04,2024/